15 High Calorie Fruits for Weight Gain

15 High Calorie Fruits for Weight Gain

In this article we discuss 15 high calorie fruits for weight gain.

Perhaps you are trying to gain weight. Or maybe just stop unintended weight loss. It can get tiresome drinking high calorie nutrition supplements all the time.

High calorie fruits are good, healthy options to add more calories to your diet.

High Calorie Fruits

Fruits are generally regarded as a lower calorie food. However, there is a ton of variety within the types of fruits available. In this article we include some of the highest calorie fruits.

When selecting a fruit, if you choose one on this list (instead of a lower calorie fruit), it can help you to add a few extra calories. Because when you are trying to gain weight, all calories count!

Fruits can be purchased:

  • Fresh
  • Frozen
  • Canned
  • Dried
  • Juiced

In general, dried and juiced fruits have more calories than their fresh or frozen counter parts.


Dried Fruit for Weight Gain

High Calorie Fruit Dried FruitLet’s talk about high calorie dried fruit.

When a fruit is dried, most of the water content is removed.

Because fruit is generally high in water, when it is dried the fruit gets much smaller.

Think of the difference between a fresh grape and a raisin.

A raisin is much smaller compared to a fresh grape. A 1 cup serving of seedless grapes provides 104 calories. While a 1 cup (packed) serving of raisins provides 494 calories.

For the same 1 cup serving you get nearly 5x as many calories. And a lot more raisins. Granted this volume weighs more and will fill you up faster. But, that’s because it’s higher in calories.

The high calorie fresh fruits listed in this article are even high in calories when dried.


Juice for Weight Gain

High Calorie Fruits JuiceNext, let’s talk about high calorie juice for weight gain.

In a similar way that dried fruit has more calories than fresh fruit, fruit juice also has more calories.

This is because you are getting a higher volume of the fruit content in the juice.

Think of a whole orange compared to a cup of orange juice.

An orange has a lot of fiber and texture to it. When you squeeze an orange, you don’t get a ton of juice. You will need several oranges to get 1 cup of juice.

For this reason, when a fruit is juiced, it is higher in calories.

The fruit itself has the same number of calories, but you are getting more pieces of the fruit in your cup of juice.

It can also be easier to sip and drink a larger volume of orange juice. Compared to the time it takes to peel and chew a single orange.

The high calorie fresh fruits listed in this article are even high in calories when juiced.


15 High Calorie Fruits for Weight Gain


15 High Calorie Fruits for Weight Gain

Here is our list of high calorie fruits for weight gain. This list is not exclusive and is intended to give you some ideas and inspiration to get started. Calorie counts are below.

15 High Calorie Fruits for Weight Gain

  1. Avocado
  2. Dates
  3. Banana
  4. Raisins
  5. Coconut
  6. Figs
  7. Prunes
  8. Mango
  9. Grapes
  10. Pears
  11. Apples
  12. Passion Fruit
  13. Jackfruit
  14. Persimmon
  15. Grape Juice


High Calorie Fruits Calorie Count

Please note these calorie counts are estimates. Individual calorie counts may vary by manufacturer and varieties of fruit selected. Refer to food labels for calorie counts as applicable.

Fruit Serving Size Calories
Avocado 1 cup, cubed 240 calories
Dates 5 medjool dates 330 calories
Banana 1 medium 105 calories
Raisins ½ cup, packed 247 calories
Coconut ½ cup, shredded 141 calories
Figs 5 small figs 150 calories
Prunes 6 prunes 138 calories
Mango 1 cup, sliced 99 calories
Grapes 1 cup, seedless 104 calories
Pears 1 large 131 calories
Apples 1 large 116 calories
Passion Fruit 1 cup 229 calories
Jackfruit 1 cup 157 calories
Persimmon 5 persimmons 160 calories
Grape Juice 1 cup 152 calories


High Calorie Fruits

Next, we’ll review each of our 15 high calorie fruits for weight gain.


blankOne cup of cubed avocado contains 240 calories.

Avocado tops the list as our favorite high calorie fruit.

But I know you may be thinking, is avocado really a fruit?! While most people use avocado as a vegetable in cooking, it is technically a fruit.

And since it’s such a wonderful source of calories, I had to add it to this list!

Avocado is a creamy, mild flavored fruit. It can be mixed into smoothies (or even shakes!) to add a delicious creamy flavor.

Ways to use avocado:

  • Eat with a spoon!
  • Add to salads
  • Mix in casseroles
  • Add to top of eggs
  • Include in spring rolls
  • Mix in smoothies
  • Add to milk shakes (seriously, it’s good!)



Dates5 medjool dates contains 330 calories.

Dates top the list as the fruit with the most calories.

There are several different varieties of dates. Medjool dates are pretty high in calories.

Dates are a very sweet fruit. They can be eaten plain as a snack, chopped and added to savory dishes, or in desserts.

Ways to use dates:

  • Plain as a snack
  • Wrapped in bacon (my favorite!)
  • Create a sauce to serve over porkchops
  • Add to trail mix
  • Use in a homemade high calorie bar



Bananas1 medium banana contains 105 calories.

Bananas are an easy snack you can grab on the go. You can eat them plain or in a variety of dishes.

You can generally purchase bananas fresh, dried, or freeze dried.

If you have bananas that are going bad, freeze them! Peel the bananas and add to a freezer bag. Use the frozen banana for a smoothie or to make banana sorbet!

Ways to Use Bananas

  • Eat fresh as a snack
  • Add dried bananas to trail mix
  • Make a banana split for a sweet treat!
  • Add to high calorie smoothies
  • Blend frozen bananas to make a sorbet
  • Make banana bread



Raisins½ cup packed raisins contains 247 calories.

Raisins are an affordable dried high calorie fruit.

Because the water content is removed from the grapes, you are getting more fruit for the same volume.

Raisins are typically sold in single serving containers, boxes, or in the bulk foods section.

Ways to Use Raisins:

  • Eat plain as a snack
  • Add to oatmeal
  • Mix in with a salad
  • Add to trail mix
  • In tapioca pudding



Coconut½ cup shredded coconut contains 141 calories.

Even though coconut has the word “nut” in the name, it is actually a fruit.

Coconut can typically be purchased whole, shredded, or canned as cream. Coconut milk isn’t very high in calories and coconut water has even less.

Some shredded coconut has sugar added making it even high in calories. Coconut cream is versatile in cooking and can even be added to high calorie shakes.

Ways to Use Coconut:

  • Eat plain as a snack
  • Sprinkle shredded coconut on parfaits, yogurt, ice-cream
  • Add to high calorie shakes
  • Add to high calorie smoothies
  • Make coconut sticky rice (top with mango, it’s my fav)



FIgs5 small figs contain 150 calories.

Figs are a small mildly sweet fruit. The skin is pretty thin and can be eaten. Though some people do prefer to peel figs. I like to eat them whole!

Ways to Use Figs

  • Eat fresh as a snack
  • Slice and add to salads
  • Dice and add to pizza or flat bread
  • Wrap baked figs with prosciutto
  • Make Fig Energy Bars
  • Make fig jam
  • Bake fig cookies



Prunes6 prunes contain 138 calories.

Prunes or dried plums are a great source of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins.

Prunes are often used as a natural treatment for constipation or to maintain good bowel health.

Ways to Use Prunes

  • Eat plain as a snack
  • Drink prune juice
  • Add to trail mix
  • Make stewed prunes
  • Dice and make energy balls



Mango1 cup sliced mango contains 99 calories.

Mango is a tropical, delicious fruit. You can purchase mango fresh, canned, frozen, or dried.

Ways to Use Mango:

  • Eat fresh as a snack
  • Top whole fat yogurt with fresh mango
  • Prepare a Mango Salad Dressing
  • Add dried mango to trail mix
  • Make a fruit salad with mango
  • Top coconut sticky rice with mango



Grapes1 cup seedless grapes contain 104 calories.

Grapes are an easy and fun snack. You can pack a bag of grapes to eat on the go or make a fruit salad.

You can by seedless grapes or grapes with seeds. We prefer seedless grapes because they easier to eat.

Ways to Use Grapes:

  • Eat as a snack
  • Make a fruit salad
  • Whip up a fresh grape salad



Pears1 large pear contains 131 calories.

I live in Oregon and we love pears. Select a larger pear for more calories.

Ways to Use Pears:

  • Eat plain as a snack
  • Add fresh pears to salad
  • Blend or mash and make a pear sauce (like applesauce!)
  • Add to high calorie smoothies
  • Make a pear sauce to add to porkchops
  • Add diced pears to oatmeal



Apples1 large apple contains 116 calories.

Apples vary in type and size. The bigger the apple the more calories you will be getting.

Choose the apples you enjoy the most, but try to purchase the biggest apples you can find. Or just eat a few of the smaller varieties.

Ways to Use Apples:

  • Eat plain as a snack
  • Add fresh or dried apples to salad
  • Make an applesauce
  • Add to high calorie smoothies
  • Make apple butter
  • Bake apples and add ice-cream
  • Make a classic apple pie


Passion Fruit

Passion Fruit1 cup passion fruit contains 229 calories.

Passion fruit is a sweet, tropical fruit with a seed filled center.

The seeds are edible, just make sure you remove from the rind. The rind is edible, but doesn’t taste the best!

Passion fruit is filled with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber.

You can eat passion fruit fresh, juiced, dehydrated, or with other fun recipes.

Ways to Use Passion Fruit:

  • Scoop out seeds and eat fresh
  • Make or buy passion fruit juice
  • Add to some Greek yogurt
  • Make passion fruit frozen pops
  • Spread on top of cheesecake



Jackfruit1 cup jackfruit contains 157 calories.

I have never eaten jackfruit myself. So, I don’t have a lot of tips or tricks to use this fruit.

But it is pretty high in calories for a fruit. So, I had to add it to the list!




Persimmons6 persimmons contain 160 calories.

Persimmons are typically available in Fall and aren’t the most common fruit. But it is a delicious treat.

You can eat persimmons fresh, dried, dehydrated, or use it with a fun recipe.

Ways to Use Persimmons:

  • Peel and eat as a snack (my fav)
  • Make a batch of persimmon cookies
  • Bake persimmon bread
  • Make persimmon jam


Grape Juice

Grape Juice1 cup grape juice contains 152 calories.

Most juices are higher in calories.

Because it takes many pieces of fruit to make juice, you are getting even more calories.

I selected grape juice for #15 on our list because it is high in antioxidants. And good for heart health.

You can use juice in cooking, but generally I just recommend drinking it plain. Or adding it to a high calorie smoothie.


Conclusion: High Calorie Fruits for Weight Gain

I hope this list of high calorie fruits for weight gain gave you some fun ideas to get more calories. Check out our High Calorie blog page to see other articles we’ve written on this topic.

Best of luck to you!

15 High Calorie Fruits for Weight Gain Infographic

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